Start: 36.06.03 - morning
End: 36.06.03 - evening
Beleriac not home (50% chance)
Explored invisible grove:
Logic: Becomes visible like a tree, 100s of trees, players move like drifting trees. PCs tied with rope appear as trees tied with rope. Deer move through it freely. Purely illusional - can touch a tree to see if it's real or a person
Head of Orcs in 1A15 is named Kargaath and speaks Common. Prefers k/g as consonants (Gorgetta instead of Loretta, Grother Gog, etc). Likes cheese, will pay for more. Will trust party if they bring severed heads of eight "short little shitters" (goblins). These orcs are more boar-like, greenish ruddy skin
Percival killed the pet wererat Precious in 1A18
Attacked Orcs in 1C1 - killed the four orcs in the guard room, stole their silver. Percival got speared and dropped to 0. Killed three other orcs at the back. They spilled the oil and set it on fire (loretta got burned a bit)
Retreated back to Hazkorin, sold the four orcish spears for 1gp each