Bozurah's Daunting Diminution

Level: 2 Range: Touch Duration: Varies Casting time: 1 turn Save: Fort vs spell check DC (sometimes)


A wizard of no-repute, Bozuhrah boasted of spending most of his time in the realms of the little-folk, after having found the formula to shrink himself down to their size.

This spell allows the caster to shrink one or more targets down to miniscule size, generally big enough to enter a rat tunnel. Unwilling targets receive a Fort save. This may be cast on objects as well as people. The caster may cast this spell again on an already-affected target to prolong the spell (though it does not shrink them further). It is unknown what happens if the spell wears off while the target is in a confined space.

Unlike Enlarge, this spell is not reversible. A wizard turning their minions into titans would leave a lasting mark on history, and while some ancient stories do exist of such events, none have been seen recently. Although perhaps if the wizard was willing to pay just the right price...


1: Target distort strangely, squishing horizontally, and then shrinking down vertically 2: Target's body falls apart and disintegrates, revealing the diminutive target 3: Target is engulfed in a cloud of sulfur


1: Caster permanently shrinks one foot shorter 2: Caster permanently grows one foot taller 3: One random object in caster's position shrinks (or grows) to 3 inches tall 4: Caster's face (but not head) becomes permanently tiny 5: The target becomes the exact same height as the caster; if caster is the target, roll again 6: One of the caster's eyes becomes permanently tiny 7-8: Minor corruption 9: Major corruption 10: Greater corruption


1: The caster becomes 3 inches tall for 1d10 rounds, but their clothing and equipment do not 2: The caster polymorphs into a rat for 1d6 rounds, and cannot speak or cast spells 3: The caster and equipment becomes 1/12 of an inch tall for 1d4 rounds 4: The caster's clothing and equipment shrinks down as much as possible for 1d6 rounds


1 - Lost, failure, and worse! Roll 1d6 modified by Luck: (0 or less) corruption + patron taint + misfire; (1-3) corruption; (4) patron taint (or corruption if no patron); (5+) misfire. 2-11 - Lost. Failure 12-13 - Failure, but spell is not lost 14-15 - The caster shrinks down to 3 inches tall for 1 turn per CL 16-19 - The caster shrinks down to 3 inches tall for 1 hour per CL 20-21 - The caster chooses up to CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 turn per CL 22-25 - The caster chooses up to 1d8+CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 turn per CL 26-29 - The caster chooses up to 1d10+CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 hour per CL 30-31 - The caster chooses up to 1d12+CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 day per CL 32-33 - The caster chooses up to 1d14+CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 week per CL 34+ - The caster chooses up to 1d20+CL targets. They shrink down to 3 inches tall for 1 week per CL; OR the caster chooses a single target. It shrinks down to 3 inches tall *permanently*.