all that matters are good deeds
traveler's travail - only way to get where one is going is to do good deeds; malevolent creatures can only wander the infinite distances between sites
weather never bad
Guardinals have a sect: The Guardians
Guardian mages have made magic items that emulate the Guardinals
Release from Care
Asura's Bridge
City of the Star (Ishtar)
Quietude (Isis)
Pax Benefice
Lake Aonia
Next of the Phoenix
Lake Serene
Rollicking Crescent (inn)
Standing Stones (gate to Sigil) - key from Ciphers
Great Mother's Garden (Chauntea, Liu)
Morninglory (Lathander)
Precipice (Syranita)
Quesar's Birthplace
Selkies' Grotto (Surminare)
The Thalastrom
Evil, destructive magic
spells that hide or conceal the truth
Summoning: Natives can't be summoned. Non-natives on Elysium can, but if htey're good they get +4 on the save
Charm/Hold: Don't work on natives; good non-natives get +4 on save
Necromancy that causes harm automatically fails, 33% chance of backlash: caster usffers the effect
Water: enhanced on Thalasia
Hiatea - goddess of the firbolg and voadkyn giants who calls the realm of Woodhaven in Eronia home
Mishakal (Amoria)
Enlil - a sky god
Ishtar - powerful goddess of love and war
Belenus and Brigantia (Celtic powers) maintain the Isles of the Blessed, resting place of heroes who died for pure godo
Isis, who visits when not needed in Heliopolis on Arcadia
Nut - sky power, Egyption goddess
Kuan-ti (or Huan-ti) - devoted to war / prevention through diplomacy
Liu - god of agriculture - share's Chauntea's realm
O-Wata-Tsu-Mi - Japanese sea god
Tsuki-Yomi - Japanese god of the moon and seasons
Savitri - Indian god of the long day sun
Ushas - Indian goddess of the dawn (shares Lathander's realm)
Bragi - Norse god, patron of bards
Majere - lord of Meditation and Faith
Surminare - selkie goddess
Trishna - goddess of dolphins and sea elves
Nanna-Sin - human god who has crescent moon-shaped barge on Oceanus
Urogalan - halfling power of earth and death
Ralthas Lightbearer - Mishakal - F Elf Cleric 7 NG; wanders, giving healing to all who need it. If there's been a battle or disaster, she's there
Galvan Longarms - Hiatea - M Firbolg Ranger 6 NG; wearing hydra-scale armor, wields two flaming spears +3, which funciton as sun blades. Hates evil giants. Would take indirect action to aid those who combat giants
Beltain Firebrow - Belenus - M human Druid 6 N; roams the woods
Thariisa Harpchord - Bragi - F human bard 7 NG; strong clear voice, plays small golden harp which affects others as if a "friends" spell
Barge w/ bargemaster
Welcoming petitioner - "Let your troubles wash away in the river's flow, and may you be at peace"
Petitioners - former adventurers and crusaders, retain some skills, max level 2
fix petitioner's wagon wheel / get it out of mud
shepherd's flock could fall into a river
animal found with injury that prevents it from moving or gathering food
Aquatic Elves
Foo creature
Moon dog
An Asura has gone barmy and set himself up as the keeper of the only bridge over Oceanus for hours in any direction
Bird-like ruby talons, white skin, red hair, firey wings, blue toga, halberd, gold eyes
Bridge: Wide, stone arch over deep water
River: deep blue, dark, wide (+800')
Asura: forgotten his own name
let's no one cross until he is convinced they are not evil
"What is your business on the other side?"
"Have you ever knowingly and willingly committed an act of evil?"
"Do you feel guilty about your past actions?"
"Would you like to donate your gold to the upkeep of this bridge?"
"Would you stand watch with me over this bridge? For how long?"
can see through lies (eyes dim when lie is detected)
Those crossing the bridge can detect lie for one day
Atk claw (2) +7 (1d10) +7 weapon (polearm: 1d10); AC 22; HD 8 (36hp); MV 30' Fl 90'; MR 40%
Trumpet Blare: <= 2 HD creatures DC 12 Will save or flee
Burning wind: 3+ asuras make wind, burns all evil for 2d10 damage
Immune: charm, command, fear, hold person, ray of enfeeblement
Spells: as level 4-5 priest
Willing to assist; strong sense of justice
eats gems, metals
only age if stop doing good tasks
Maybe doing a task for Liu (god of the five grains)