Raygun: Activated, the gaunt- let discharges a black ray with a range of 100’ and attacks on living creatures ignore any armor bonuses to AC, and targets hit are instantly disintegrated (DC 10 Fort save for 1d10 damage). Non-living objects (including androids) are unaffected by the ray. Living targets wearing chain or plate mail receive a +5 bonus to the Fort save. (A death orm’s armor is treated as plate mail.)
Kith: Kith Raider: Init +0; Atk stone club +2 melee (1d3+2) or stone spear +0 ranged (1d7+2); AC 11; HD 1d12+2; hp 8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +0, Will -1; AL Var.
Stone clubs (+2 melee 1d3+2) 8 - 0 8 - 7 - Charmed
Champion: Covered from head to toe in ritual tattoos and scars, necklace of gribb skulls Kith Champion: Init +2; Atk iron club +4 melee (1d4+4) or spear +0 ranged (1d8+4); AC 13; HD 3d12+6; hp 24; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP 25% chance of plasma torch (+4 melee, 1d12 dmg) with 1d5 charges; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL Var.
HP: 8 - 5 - sleep for 4 turns
Warlord: Enormous and obese, -10 movement +3 damage, 3 dried este mushrooms, raygun Kith Warlord: Init +1; Atk sword +4 melee (1d8+4) or spear +0 ranged (1d8+4); AC 15; HD 4d12+6; hp 30; MV 25’; Act 2d20; SP 25% chance of death ray (+2 ranged, 1d5 dmg + DC 10 Fort save to avoid disintegration) with 1d10 charges; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3; AL Var.
HP: -4
22 Kith + 1 Champion + 1 Warlord Treasure: raygun (0 charge), The specific item is especially sacred to the kith, who refuse to allow an outsider to possess the relic. Nothing will stop them in their efforts to regain the sacred item.
Motivation: defend their tribe, kill heathens
Gribb Attacking Cotcyst clan
3 greenstone shards 60 kith, 7 champions, 2 warlords (1 w/ plasma torch)
Believe PCs are ascended masters, are off hunting Reagan'Tor
Another clan: Cotcyst hunting/foraging party: Suspicious, tracks and follows PCs 53 kith + 3 captains, leaderless and vying for power treasure: 15 greenstone shards
Captains Kith Captain: Init +1; Atk iron club +3 melee (1d4+3) or spear +0 ranged (1d8+3); AC 12; HD 2d12+4; hp 16; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1; AL Var.
Rebels led by Ascended Master (El Menidi):
Burial party, friendly 77 kith, 2 warlords, 10 champions, plasma torch (for warlord 2)
warlord 1: hp 36; Ancient bionic arm (+2 to melee damage); Horn carved from death orm bone. warlord 2: hp 28; Covered from head to toe in ritual scars, Eyelids, lips, ears and nose removed; 3 greenstone shards; plasma torch (5 charges)
hp gear traits treasure 25 plasma torch (5) Copper stump worn in place of lower leg. -5’ speed. Lacquered helm fashioned from a small death orm skull 28 Extra long arms hang to ground Ritual flint dagger 23 Albino Belt of shrunken kith heads 23 Eyelids, lips, ears and nose removed Ancient copper bracers 35 Accompanied by a trained hunting gribb 7 greenstone shards 38 plasma torch (2) Giant. +1d12 hp and +2 to damage Whetstone 13 Albino; Extra long arms hang to ground; Wild eyed and gaunt. -1d5 hp, +2 AC Horn carved from death orm bone 25 Blind in one eye Lacquered helm fashioned from a small death orm skull 14 Albino Necklace of gribb skulls 23 Blade worn in place of forearm; Copper stump worn in place of lower leg. -5’ speed Gribb-skin cape