Funnels are distinct from normal game
New players joining experienced party (ie. L3 party with 4 level 0s)
Players not spending luck (Solution: use fleeting luck)
Sometimes disatisfying for regular players
Players don't have anything to spend money on
Megadungeons aren't designed for DCC RPG (generous treasure rewards, generic magic items)
Stonehell has no integrated town
Sessions often lacked focus (just go here and explore, not so many hints towards goals)
Few recurring NPCs
Lack of individual fog of war for digital maps
No sharing of hand-drawn maps (few players interested)
Players burning resources near end of session (ie "we're almost done, just spellburn 20 and let's go home")
Even fewer focus when world opened up
XP kinda arbitrary, doesn't incentivize behaviour
organize groups into parties with roles for scheduling, writeups, goals
use fleeting luck
skip funnels unless party is new
each party gets own roll20 page (ugh this doesn't scale maintenance-wise)
reset fog of war after each session, party responsible for getting to know directions
time doesn't flow at real-world time (maybe help cut down on spell burning at end of session)
player's must decide how long they want to wait before next quest
use something other than Stonehell that has an integrated town
give players or parties direct quests and rewards for completing them
XP kinda arbitrary, doesn't incentivize behaviour:
for quests? (incentivizes goals/objectives)
for gold?
for magic items?
for session reports?
Alternate XP
Megadungeons aren't designed for DCC RPG (generous treasure rewards, generic magic items):
reduce generic magic items
just accept it
use alternative XP to allow for treasure
Players burning resources near end of session (ie "we're almost done, just spellburn 20 and let's go home"):
make time advance less
make big spellburns riskier
No sharing of hand-drawn maps (few players interested)
Players not spending luck (Solution: use fleeting luck)
Stonehell has no integrated town:
use one of the towns from Barrowmaze/etc
Few recurring NPCs:
use NPCs from Barrowmaze/etc
put patrons in dungeon, give them representatives
Lack of individual fog of war for digital maps:
require players to take notes/directions/maps, reset FOW after every session
Sessions often lacked focus (just go here and explore, not so many hints towards goals):
Funnels are distinct from normal game
New players joining experienced party (ie. L3 party with 4 level 0s)
Sometimes disatisfying for regular players
Players don't have anything to spend money on
Even fewer focus when world opened up