The Hidden Lord

Spell Lists

The list shifts, depending on the whims of the Hidden Lord, maybe sometimes influenced by the facade the cleric takes on.

Sometimes the list is longer, sometimes shorter. Sometimes spells may change levels (and are then cast at a -2 penalty)

These spells never appear on the list:

Current List

L1 list size: (12) ± 1d3 L2 list size: (11) ± 1d2 L3 list size: 7 ± 1 L4 list size: 4 L5 list size: 3


  1. Detect Magic
  2. Darkness
  3. Paralysis
  4. Second Sight
  5. Word of Command
  6. Invoke Patron (The Hidden Lord)
  7. Runic Alphabet, Mortal
  8. Flaming Hands
  9. Force Manipulation
  10. Resist Cold or Heat


  1. Lotus Stare
  2. Restore Vitality
  3. Banish
  4. Neutralize Poison or Disease
  5. Detect Evil (-2 penalty)
  6. Cure paralysis
  7. Stinging Stone
  8. Locate object
  9. Strength
  10. Snake charm

Next List


Current size: 12

  1. Chill Touch
  2. Detect Magic (-2 penalty)
  3. Runic Alphabet, mortal
  4. Spider climb
  5. Ropework
  6. Detect evil
  7. Holy sanctuary
  8. Paralysis
  9. Word of Command
  10. Darkness
  11. Second Sight
  12. Food of the Goods


Current size: 10

  1. Binding
  2. Cure paralysis
  3. Restore vitality
  4. Stinging stone
  5. Wood wyrding
  6. Curse
  7. Neutralize poison or disease
  8. Knock
  9. Scare
  10. Shatter