Session 8 - Stonehell #3 - 2018-04-22
Judge: Richard
Mathilde - Anna
Bezi - The Merchant, Wizard
Ghonche - Creditrick
Valentin - Thor Jr
Nicolas Thomason Pippin (RIP - killed by a battering ram trap) Gordon
April - Corazon
Alexis Portos (RIP - mauled by a wolf) Aramis Atos
Adrian - Etrie the Dwarf
Explored more of the canyon. Killed two wolves in the wolf cave, chased the other two off. Anna stole wolf cub. Looted Coal's cave, mountain lion cave, wolf cave.
Started exploring adventurer's hangout, knocked some stones down from sagging roof.
Pippin killed by kobold log trap.
Found heatsink devices, tried to extract. Saw bandit up the hill