
Originally from Gongfarmer's Almanac 2015, "Gold and Glory Beyond the Grave" by Taylor Frank

You are a tortured soul, cursed to live beyond the grave. You have returned from the next world to seek revenge or atonement for your past life. You are a supernatural being whose physical form is composed of pure phlogiston bound by ectoplasm, ethereal and partially incorporeal. Although you posses a mostly physical form, the world of the living is something you feel forever apart from, destined to roam for an eternity lest you complete your ghostly quest. You may appear in your living form if you wish, although you may just as easily fade into the background. You have the power to possess the forms of others or make yourself fully incorporeal for short periods of time. You do not require food or drink, although you do still require air, which you exhale in cold, icy breaths. You also require sleep, preferring to slumber in graveyards and burial grounds.

Hit points: A ghost gains 1d6 hit points at each level.

Weapon training: A ghost is trained in the use of the dagger, javelin, lance, longbow, long sword, shortbow, short sword, staff, spear, and two-handed sword.

Alignment: Many ghosts find themselves wandering aimlessly, avoiding the task which has brought them back from beyond and seeking a life of distraction or passive observation. Because of this, most ghosts tend towards a neutral alignment, bothering to take sides only when it suits their whims.

Ghostly weapon: All ghosts are able to produce and wield a supernatural weapon of the same phlogistonic ghost-stuff as their own partially physical form. Despite the varied forms these weapons may take, the damage they deal increases with the level of the ghost as noted on the ghost class table. Ghostly weapons count as magic weapons, and may not be used on the living while a ghost is fully incorporeal. Also, a ghost may not be disarmed in the traditional fashion whilst wielding a ghostly weapon.

Stealth: Ghosts are quite good at disappearing. They receive a bonus to sneak silently and hide in shadows depending on their class level. This can be used in the same manner as a thief's skills.

Silver vulnerability: A ghost is vulnerable to Silver as per the Elf “Iron Vulnerability” rule (see core rulebook, page 57).

Possession: A ghost may attempt to possess the physical form of most other creatures, at the judge's discretion. While making physical contact with the target creature, the target must pass a Will save with a DC equal to the ghosts Intelligence score+level. If the target fails, the ghost enters and controls the target for 1 hour per the ghost's level. A possessed creature retains their physical capabilities and voice. The ghost's presence causes the creature's skin to pale and become cold to the touch.

Incorporeal: A ghost may become fully incorporeal once per combat encounter to provide +3 AC for 1d4 rounds. During exploration this ability may be used to phase through solid objects. At level 0 this is limited to passing through a keyhole or doorjamb. At higher levels, it provides 5' of movement per level. Ghosts are composed of enough phlogiston to make their personal arms and equipment incorporeal as well as themselves, but this may have limits at the judge's discretion.

Un-dead: A ghost is an un-dead creature. As such, it may be turned by clerics, may cause fear to simple- minded folk, and has no need for nourishment beyond sleep and air. Un-dead adventurers do not gain immunities to sleep, charm, paralysis or any of the other special un-dead immunities of their less sentient brethren. When scoring a critical hit, a ghost may choose to roll on Crit Table U: Un-Dead (see core rulebook, page 390).

Lvl Attk Crit Die/Table Action Die Weapon Ref Fort Will Sneak & Hide
1 +1 1d8/III* 1d20 1d3 +1 +1 +1 +3
2 +2 1d8/III* 1d20 1d4 +1 +1 +1 +5
3 +2 1d10/III* 1d20 1d5 +2 +1 +2 +7
4 +3 1d10/III* 1d20 1d6 +2 +2 +2 +8
5 +4 1d12/III* 1d20 1d7 +3 +2 +3 +9
6 +5 1d12/III* 1d20+1d14 1d8 +4 +2 +4 +11
7 +5 1d14/III* 1d20+1d16 1d10 +4 +3 +4 +12
8 +6 1d14/III* 1d20+1d20 1d10+1 +5 +3 +5 +13
9 +7 1d16/III* 1d20+1d20 1d10+2 +5 +3 +5 +14
10 +8 1d16/III* 1d20+1d20 1d10+3 +6 +4 +6 +15