Blue Kith
Ythoth Raiders
Underkith Warbands
Howling Stones Warband
I Drank The Worm
Purple Planet Random Encounters
Azi Dahaka ?
Body-Swappers: Looking for the machine. "Have you seen the machine?" - a greeting to be answered with "it is to be found"
Mushroom Lords -> Myconids
Stone Lords -> Turned themselves to living stone
The characters encounter a wandering (and talking) mushroom. It is an ascended master, and is accompanied by 3d20+10 mushroom/kith hybrids
Hates Trillimites - calls them "Eaters of the Land"
Mushroom power: This plant feeds off the dead, spreading its roots through a
corpse as if it were soil. Once it has spread through the entire body, the
plant can control the corpse like a giant puppet. Leafy branches poke at random
angles from the corpse as the plant slowly consumes it. Once ambulatory, the
plant searches for other dead bodies to seed.
Favored Flora: Necromancer: In the social hierarchy of the plant kingdom, the
plant-necromancer is a holy figure second only to the plant-cleric. The
necromancer’s function is to return dead plants to the soil by burning to ash,
the traditional funerary rite of all flora. The necromancer commands the dead
to uproot and gather into a pyre on the soil to be enriched. The plant can also
use this ability to marshal 1d10 dead trees, shrubs, or vines as guardians. The
sight of wooden weapons, construction, and paper infuriates the necromancer. On
its turn, the necromancer can make a DC 10 check to command a wood item to
shatter or a paper scroll to cast its spell at a target of the plant’s
The “World-Shroom” is said to be the oldest living being on the Purple Planet. Perhaps it will grant the PCs a boon for a favor…
Living Fungus-Cacti
The PCs encounter a group of walking cactus-like succulents. The creatures have low intelligence, but are capable of communication through changes in color. They are protected by sharp spines (as javelins).
Injured Death Orm
The PCs find an injured (but seemingly dead) death orm
Demarax bewildered about greenstone shards; wants to eat them, and they're addictive to him like sugar. Gets cranky after they wear off.
AC 19; Atk tail +5 (1d8+2); Mv 15'; SA: Magic Missle 3x3/day, Crystal Storm; SD: Magic absorption (MR 90%); ML: Medium; Fort: +3; Ref: 0; Will: -2
Crystal Storm: save or 1d6: 1-2: Confused by questions for 1d4 rounds; 3-4: blinded by images of another world for 2d4 rounds; 5: blinks for 2d4 rounds; 6: summoned to prime material plane
• Underkith scout party (2d16 under kith, 1 champion, see 30', hear 100')
○ Searching for the House of the Houseless, where lost ascended masters await them to give their life meaning
○ Would ask of the party where they have been and what they have seen
○ Do not understand the Green Flow. Don't interact with it. To them it is like the rocks.
○ Underkith: Between kith and humans, pale flesh, hairless, blind bulging eyes, pinkish-white thin moist skin.
○ Speak a dialect of kith, kith lord can communicate telepathically in any language
○ May see party as source of food
○ Under-kith lord - Beautiful, violet eyes. True form: Wormlike, hairless, skulls covered in thin flesh, black eye sockets, sucker-like mouth
○ Unimpressed by party's sonic ship weapon, will kill on sight.
• Escaping youthful descended master
○ Escaping from the Crystal Creche
○ Does not want to be assimilated, fears the Green Flow
○ Nameless, does not understand names
○ Curious about charged greenstone shards, recognises them as brethren, doesn't understand how they become charged. Knows only about uncharged ones
○ After absorbing 5 spell levels, he can recharge a relic like a greenstone shard
○ He is being hunted by 1-3 other Mature Descended Masters
• Xrif (p 35) - attempts to burrow into a PC, will drive the PCs to not consume shards, and to find a whole greenstone
○ May leave after 8 points of stamina damage (or 4 HD of lay on hands)
○ Once party has 13+1d24 greenstone shards, urges them to move to the Pyramid of the Ancients
○ Pinch: 1d4 damage, -2 to all rolls for one turn
○ Worm -like creature covered in barbs, hooks and claws
• Greenflow minion
○ Clone of Rolley before body swap
Crystal Crèche
• Vast complex of birthing chambers, humming machinery, protoplasmic vats, birthing pods
• Descended masters are nurtured from base genetic materials to new-birthed adults
• Green Flow is pervasive here
• Unguarded, and descended masters don't understand threats
• One large building. Long tunnel down to the Cavern of the Under-Sun
Sotark the Destroyer
• Biological weapon of long lost House Memniscene
• Howling Stones: Where do the tunnels in the mouth lead?
• Green gelatinous river underground
• Reconcile with the underkith and help them find their ascended master
• Acquire a greenstone gem for Zhirh: Heads of Cotcyst and Reagan'Tor each have one
• Donate more DNA to Zhirh and her tribe
• Pit of Worms
• Cotcyst headquarters: Somewhere in the western wastes
• Reagan'Tor headquarters: Mobile, smoking; seen last in eastern wastes
• Assault the raider fortress in weirdspace (astral plane)
Notes from ZIM:
Created þriðjudagur 24 nóvember 2020
Purple Planet / D&D: How can one seek immortality?
Reagan Tor: carbon nanites
Cotcyst: Brains perserved on robotic androids
necromancy (lich, undead)
Azi Dahaka (or other patrons/gods)
body rots - spirit doesn't - become incorporeal
continual replacement of bodies - ie. body swapping machine
commune with the green flow
weird experiments to avoid purple sun: mushrooms?
become stone - long living - mountain kith?
seek it in objects: stone, carbon/smoke, water, air, fire, etc
hair doesn't decay as fast: become hair
time: dramatically slow down time locally somehow? (things from outside would look like a still picture)
in writing - ascended masters committed themselves to writing, kith carry it on
Forched march: -2
Exploring hex (1/2 speed): +2
Flying: +1
3 - Storm (dust)
4 - Ambush!
5 - Scouts
6 - Raiders (near)
7 - Death Orm
8 - Gribb
9 - No encounter
10 - No encounter
11 - No encounter
12 - Raiders (distant)
13 - Battle!
14 - Roll on Relics table
Cotcyst Warband
1000 kith strong, but rarely together
Banner: skinned hide of an albino death orm, held by 17 eye-less standard bearers
they gave their eyes willingly as a sign of absolute loyalty
Ruled by Nam-knir, the Black Queen
long limbs
scarred with battle
liquid green eyes that flare with emotion
Great Helm
skull of strekleon, plates of iron
Dual Torches
combine to make a single 7' beam of crackling plasma
keen sense of tactics
uncanny ability to anticipate her foes
relied upon greatly by Cotcyst
Champion Eunuch bodyguards around at all times, shield her in battle
Ignorant of the threat posted by the Riders of the Wastes
Black Queen mistakes PCs for ascended masters
but they must act like centuries-old kith nobility
would mate with strongest PCs, this would cause her to betray Cotcyst
Nam-knir, the Black Queen: Init +3; Atk paired plasma torches +6 melee (1d16+4) or death ray +2 ranged (1d5 + DC 10 Fort save to avoid disintegration); AC 15; HD 6d12+10; hp 46; MV 30’; Act 2d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +3; AL L.
Champion Eunuchs: Init +2; Atk spiked club +4 melee (1d6+4) or spear +0 ranged (1d8+4); AC 13; HD 3d12+6; hp 40; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP DC 10 Ref save to take attack on Queen; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL L.
Cotcyst Warband
Subordinate to Company of the Black Queen
ride great stekleons into battle
only dozens (~60)
ride with banners in sattle of greatest kill
House Cotcyst's deadliest warriors
wear bone armour and scavenged plates - best kith quality
wield lances, scavenged blades, and strekleon-quill javelins
harry foes from afar
consider themselves above house law
maintain camps outside the castellum, where they fashion arms, armour, train strekleons
camp has 5-15 raiders at a time
ready to ride at a moments notice
Led by Pol-el The Old
surly master-at-arms
grotesque and hideous
once loved the Black Queen until he was spurned
seeks to destroy her
avoids battle if he can
wields great spiked club
rides giant albino strekleon
quick to retreat
loathe to welcome PCs into their ranks
only by capturing the Black Queen
Pol-el the Old: Init +0; Atk spiked club +4 melee (1d10+4 dmg) or death ray +2 ranged (1d5 dmg + DC 10 Fort save to avoid disintegration); AC 17; HD 5d12+10; hp 52; MV 30’; Act 2d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3; AL C.
Typical Rider: Init +2; Atk lance +3 melee (1d12+3) or jav- elin +0 ranged (1d6+3); AC 15; HD 3d12+6; hp 35; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +0; AL L.
Reagen'Tor Warband
Tower of billowing cobalt smoke
stench of scorched flesh
composed of devotees on holy pilgrimage of ruin
no warbanners
supported by long poles tied with sinew and fibers
blazes and smokes with fiery coals
dead members are thrown into the cauldron
30' in the air
emits oily blue smoke
rays of light direct from cauldron melt flesh - 1d12 per round, DC 15 Fort save for half
seven skulls, jaws agape, emitting brilliant green flames
source of immense power
cleric/wiz/thief can master a single skull with a 6-hour ritual culminating in a DC 25 spell check
success: +5 bonus to all spell checks
each usage: 1% cumulative chance it slips eldritch bonds and melts the flesh from its master (DC 25 Ref save or death)
elves have no chance and are immediately destroyed (DC 20 Will save or death)
subsequent mastery attempts of other skulls +5 DC spell check
kith are coated in oily soot and ash, stink of burnt offerings
crude weapons
blunt mushroom stalks
rotting strekleon quills
bloody femurs
armour is rare (and scared to the captain)
go naked, believing faith will protect them (those who are killed lack faith)
howl devotions until throats are raw and bloody
every act is a ritual: lighting a fire, eating a bite of food
cry out curses with every blow
8' gaunt kith, perpetually on the verge of death
wears skin robes
wields flame-spitted staff of iron
specialized plasma torch, spits continuous blue flame
consumes any material it touches
sign of Pontip's divine favour
is slowly going out
kept alive by hatred of the heretical
blinded by religious zeal
non believers given one chance to recant their false ways and join the crusade
unless PCs disguised, Pontip immediately recognizes them as heretics
given single chance to pledge fealty
slaying Pontip drives the group mad with fury
The Pontip: Init +0; Atk plasma-tipped staff +0 melee (1d14); AC 9; HD 6d12+10; hp 32; MV 25’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref -1, Will +5; AL L.
Zealot: Init +2; Atk claw +2 melee (1d3+2) or flail +0 melee (1d8); AC 10; HD 2d12+6; hp 18; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SV Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +3; AL L.
once mighty
only 30 remain
holy mistress, Prophetess of the Negnib is dead
wander the wastes, bringing corpse with them
former lover, a hulking kith champion, believes prophetess is reborn as an ascended master
prays twice daily at the corpse
casts runes to determine the direction to take
searching for reborn prophetess
not long for the world
mistakes a female PC as the incarnation of the prophetess (judges choice, or worst luck)
hurls himself at their feet, screaming chants of praise and relief
warband follows
party must maintain the illusion
Legend of the REborn Prophetess of Negnib will spread
High, craggy citadel
impossible to discern whether carved from black basalt spires or worn down by weather
functions as a fortification
atop a pass in the Ancestor Peaks
whoever rules the Redoubt controls access to/from tombs of the ancients
upon each new moon something emerges from underneath, leaving no one remaining in the morning
site of a hundred battles
littered with remains of the dead, bones, ruined reapons, half buried
scavengers abound
creatures passing into the hills become irritable and agitated: during argument, make DC 10 Will save or attack (only first attack)
clans recognize the mysterious power of the hills
boundaries marked with squat stone cairns
radius is expanding
once per year, weakest kith are sent to maintain the circle
legend among the great houses
appears only during torrential lightning storms, never in the same place
coursing river, crashing with whitecaps, where there was none before
rushing uphill from the wastes to the Ancestor Peaks
races up the mountains and into hte sky
Kith report seeing slain comrades in the current, calling for the living to join them
if any have dared to enter the waters, none returned to tell the tale
Series of towering stone monuments, carved like enormous heads
worn and crack, but present noble, pre-kithian profiles
heads are thrown back, mouths agape, as if to sing of scream
howling sound that resonates deep within the stone
only howls at dusk, when air is still
those hoping to hear the stones lay waiting for weeks
maws open to gaping throats that plunge down into darkness (maybe entrance to Underplanet)
each clan claims the statues to be the depictions of their own masters
leave offerings of flesh, moonmilk, grisly trophies
this attracts scavengers (gribbs, strekleons)
it is strictly forbidden to attack the holy scavengers, even in self-defense
forbidden to steal the offerings
eastern slopes of the Ancestor Peaks
labyrinth of standing stones
half buried in the sand
scarred by blows of a thousand blades
maze stands abandoned and largely forgotten
when sun and planet's moons come into alignment, clans converge
houses cease warring, pilgrims to the maze
offer up living sacrifices, to pray for the return of the dying sun